Our Teams

KCPR’s Music Team comprises skilled student disc jockeys who curate their own 2-hour weekly shows, engaging over 17,000 monthly listeners across platforms. Through an artful blend of music selection, commentary, anecdotes and artist insights, KCPR DJs introduce our audience to a wide spectrum of musical genres, including emerging talent, up-and-coming artists and deep cuts of well-known favorites. DJs underscore KCPR’s reputation as a tastemaker and are committed to elevating the Cal Poly community’s sonic landscape.
In the studio of the on-campus station, KCPR DJs immerse themselves in cutting-edge radio technology, gaining valuable hands-on experience. This experience goes hand in hand with their comprehensive understanding of FCC regulations, ensuring seamless broadcasts that adhere to local and federal standards.
2024-2025 Programming and Music Director: Amelia Nored (she/her), anored@calpoly.edu

KCPR’s Marketing Team is comprised of the events, promotions, venue relations, social media and merch/fundraising teams. We promote the diverse talents of local and international artists by hosting live on-campus events, fostering relationships with local organizations and supporting the content of KCPR staff’s coverage of the local arts and culture. Our marketing team helps KCPR be a platform to uplift voices in our community.
2024-2025 Marketing Director: Sophia Ermisch (she/her), sermisch@calpoly.edu
Assistant Managers: Shayda Shokooh (she/her), shokooh@calpoly.edu, Maria Langlois (she/her), maria.m.langlois@gmail.com

KCPR’s Art Team comprises talented student designers and artists who uphold and elevate KCPR’s visual identity with unique graphics and content. The art team works closely with and provides visual support for KCPR’s various departments, creating graphics for articles and social media and designing merchandise and promotional materials for events.
Whether it’s designing eye-catching flyers for on-campus concerts or creating alluring covers for KCPR’s curated Spotify playlists, our interdisciplinary team produces striking graphics that add a visual dimension to the KCPR experience.
2024-2025 Art Director: Mairi O’Toole (she/her), miotoole@calpoly.edu
Assistant Manager: Grace Cleary (she/her), gracecleary03@gmail.com

KCPR’s News Team reports on local and national news both on air and in print. We focus on understanding different communities and using our audio storytelling skills to share the voices and stories of San Luis Obispo.
Our on-air shows happen ten times a week Monday through Friday, 9-10 a.m. and 6-7 p.m. on KCPR 91.3 FM. All team members are expected to have taken or plan on taking JOUR 333 to understand broadcast and on-air reporting.
2024-2025 News Director: Emmy Burrus (she/her), eburrus@calpoly.edu
Assistant Manager: Emma Montalbano (she/her), emmamae304@gmail.com
KCPR’s Content Team reports on San Luis Obispo’s music, arts and culture scenes. Content reporters go out into the field to interview artists, venues, creatives, students and more, developing stories and playlists for publication on KCPR.org. Our talented student team members come from a variety of majors and have various opportunities to cover concerts, festivals, events and much more throughout the academic year.
The Content Team also includes talented student photographers whose photos of concerts, festivals, local events and community members accompany articles and social media posts. Photographers take and edit their photos for publication on KCPR.org.
2024-2025 Content Director: Kat Orozco (she/her), katorocontent@gmail.com
Editorial Assistant: Angie Stevens (she/her), angiedstevens777@gmail.com

KCPR’s Podcast Team is composed of talented student producers and audio editors who have successfully established this innovative storytelling medium. The team currently produces five shows, covering a wide range of topics from music (“SLO-Fi”), to sports (“The Gallop”), to discussions on diversity, equity and inclusion (“Where Different Matters”). Our podcasts, through either interviews, narration or candid conversation, create timeless and enjoyable stories for our audience.
You can find KCPR podcasts on any streaming platform, on KCPR.org or on KCPR 91.3 FM Fridays from 7-9 p.m.
2024-2025 Podcast Director: Ben Shane (he/him), beshane@calpoly.edu
Assistant Director: Sam Kohn (he/him), sam.kohn15@gmail.com

KCPR’s Social Media Team works as a sector of the Marketing Department. Our team aims to connect with KCPR’s following and reach further audiences through our social media platforms. The team works with our talented Art Team to promote what our station is doing in the Cal Poly and greater San Luis Obispo community. Our goal is to share all of the innovative and unique things that KCPR has accomplished and has to offer.
Follow KCPR on Instagram @kcpr913 for information on local events, ticket giveaways, KCPR content and more!
2024-2025 Social Media Manager: Reilly Yuen (she/her), rsyuen@calpoly.edu
Assistant Manager: Peyton Kelly (she/her), pkelly10@calpoly.edu