The Theatre and Dance Department has teamed up with KCPR to give listeners the opportunity to hear student-written audio plays starting this weekend. Listeners can tune in Saturday at 12 p.m. and again on Sunday at 10 a.m. on KCPR 91.3 FM or KCPR.org to support. The shows will also air at the same times next weekend, June 11-12.
Students from Professor Esquivel’s class wrote one-act plays winter quarter that have now been transformed into three audio plays. Thanks to a collaboration with Professor Valle’s directing class, they held local auditions to cast the plays and record them for KCPR. The three plays airing on KCPR include Embraer E-175, Rakers and Twinkle Twinkle.

Embraer E-175 is the story of two women who take the same flight and have an unlikely discussion about grief, motherhood and life decisions. Written by Selina Madeira, directed by Kacie Jean Hennesy and acted by Nicki Butler and Rachel Kupfer-Weinstein.

Rakers is a story that takes listeners on the journey of a waste management worker’s first day and her mentor. Written by Charlotte Saunders, directed by Jessica Sater and acted by Kacie Jean Henessy and Jackson Alexander.

Twinkle Twinkle is a story about a superhero and his apprentice overcoming the obstacles of partnership and getting older. Written by Carson Roman and Max Kennel, directed by Megan Hunt and acted by Lux Vadakan and Ryden Secor.