InterFraternity Council hosts Battle Of The Bands, fundraises for local mental health services

Local bands performed at Cal Poly’s University Union Plaza on Monday, May 30 in support of the InterFraternity Council’s (IFC) philanthropic event known as “Battle of the Bands.”
The event hosted performances to raise money for the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), a volunteer-based organization that provides counseling services and other resources to those impacted by mental illness.
“If we raise one dollar and that goes to NAMI, and that one dollar is used to actually help someone, it’s a win in my book,” Cal Poly IFC President and political science junior Shea Friedman said.
Since none of Cal Poly’s Greek organizations have NAMI as their philanthropy, the council decided to host this event for NAMI’s cause.
“This is our philanthropy and it gives and raises money to a cause that may not be adopted or supported,” Friedman said.
In addition to raising funds for NAMI, Friedman’s goal for the event was also to set a new precedent for the future members of the council.
“I want to make it a trend that future IFC councils feel required or obligated to do what we did and host a philanthropy event that’s open to everyone to just foster relations with the community and actually use all the resources and people we have to make a positive impact,” Friedman said.
The belief that this event was for everyone was echoed by information systems junior and IFC Philanthropy and Service Chair Ray Chan.
“We, as greek life. want to incorporate other people. We don’t want to be exclusive. We want everybody to be included in these events that we organize,” Chan said.
According to a volunteer for San Luis Obispo’s NAMI chapter Marcia Bess, although the organization is grateful for IFC efforts to fundraise for them, the main goal is to raise awareness of mental illness.
“Be aware of your friends. Look for little baby symptoms that might fester. Let everybody know that NAMI is out there for them. It is important to let them know that there is help,” Bess said.
The event raised just over $2000 for San Luis Obispo’s local chapter of NAMI. The bands that performed included Izzy Nice, Platonic Nudity, 7blue and Plywood Love.