As a Cal Poly and KCPR alum, Cameron Jung has developed her career into one of passion and profession. She is the creative mastermind behind Massive Cure Productions and FlutterByCam, her very own local music outlet here on the Central Coast. A full-time registered dietitian and DJ, Jung uses both her nutrition degree and KCPR experience to shape the impact she has on the local San Luis Obispo County community.
Growing up in the ’80s, Jung and her peers were a part of the MTV generation. Flamboyant and flashy music videos shown on TV gave a glimpse into the world of music, media and entertainment. International music and unique genres like British punk, new wave, hip hop and progressive dance pop made up a huge part of her listening habits, and some of her first experiences producing music involved making mixtapes off the radio.
Attending concerts in the Bay, she started writing about the artists and venues in a fanzine for HomoTiller Media Industries. At the time, up-and-coming alternative music included bands like Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys and Sonic Youth. By contacting record labels, Jung received press passes to interview and interact with this new music scene and quickly gained hands-on experience in the world of media.
However, music was always just a hobby for her. Living in the Central Valley with a family grocery store business, nutrition was an influential part of Jung’s childhood. In college, she took as many dietary and health classes as she could before needing to declare a major, and eventually graduated from Cal Poly with a degree in nutrition. After earning her Master’s degree and Dietitian License in 2005, she opened her own private practice. Now a registered dietitian, Jung consults others about their health and has a special focus on helping people with eating disorders.
During her years at Cal Poly, Jung said she never intended to join KCPR. It “just happened,” she said. In 1996, Jung’s junior year, the radio station beckoned her and she became “DJ Cameron.” Most of her friends in college were a part of the station and, as a result, radio became a huge part of her identity during her twenties. Jung said she is “always changing, and trying new things,” and that her music work has always been of “passion, creativity … and for enjoyment.”

In 2014, Jung joined a community radio station in Morro Bay hosting her own show, “Massive Cure Power Lunch.” She stayed there for four and half years, and in 2017 switched to working as a live DJ.
In an industry constantly subject to public scrutiny and largely dominated by men, Jung stands out as a female DJ, entrepreneur, artist and mother. When asked about the gender norms and expectations of her work, Jung said they “definitely exist.” Still, Jung said she appreciates her local DJ community because “everyone is very generous in sharing opportunities that are in the area.” She also noted that the industry is becoming more welcoming of female DJs. “lately … more people from the community are seeking female DJs.”
Jung said she feels as though her strive to redesign gender norms through her work stems from her mom. A progressive woman, her mom gave her the name “Cameron” because of its versatility and gender nonconformity. Due to the flexibility of her name, Jung said she has spent her life determined to “bend and break” typical gender norms.
Another name you might recognize her by is FlutterByCam. This DJ title came to be while she was living in Australia from 2008 to 2009. In a regional blog, Jung wrote about her experiences living on the continent and her interactions with the local culture and Indigenous people, whom she felt strongly empathetic toward. She noticed the exploitation of Indigenous land and malpractice of public events that negatively affected the local environment and human ecosystem. Through her blog, FlutterByTimes, she wrote to raise appreciation for the unique Australian culture and peoples. FlutterByTimes gave her inspiration to substitute her name and claim identity as FlutterByCam. When she returned to the states to continue her dietitian practice and DJ gig, she started Massive Cure Productions through which she currently manages her music.
Nowadays, Jung’s life is full of opportunities and experiences. You can find her working with clients in her private practice, spending time with her kids or performing for local gigs, nonprofit organizations and events that empower women and marginalized people in the community. Just last weekend she performed a set for the annual PRIDEfest at San Luis Obispo’s Laguna Lake Park.

Jung affirms that KCPR definitely impacted the trajectory of her professional life in a multitude of ways. One of her goals as a DJ is to put good music out into the world while simultaneously pushing the message that health is important and we need to take care of ourselves, she said.
Jung has a lot of ties to this treasured part of California. By engaging with the community and perpetuating the celebration of local alternative music, she said she hopes to spark interest in the area, and to remind people to truly care for and appreciate San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast. Jung can be found on Instagram @flutterbycam and on her website massivecure.com.