During their fifth year at Cal Poly, over 100 architecture seniors participated in the annual “Detail Show” on April 17. Throughout the academic year, each student worked on an individual project and had the chance to present a detailed drawing or model of their project at the show.
Architecture senior Thomas Rychman created a model of a city block for his project.

“It’s definitely been a long process,” Rychman said ”We started very abstract, I’d say, which helps to kind of throughout the whole process, you kind of refine your idea down more and make it less abstract.”
Students were more focused on research and design during earlier quarters, but have narrowed in on their projects more this spring.

“This quarter is more about developing your project further, and kind of like looking at details and smaller pieces of what you’ve designed,” architecture senior Sara Moore said.
Moore created a detailed drawing of her housing project to share at this show.
“But it’s been really cool to like explore, and also see where everybody is like leaning towards, like I’m doing a housing project, but other people are like designing a museum or like exploring heat and thermal comfort or like dead degradation of architecture.“
Now in their fifth year, architecture students have bonded during their time at Cal Poly together and have had unique opportunities within their major.
“We also, in fifth year take like a larger studio trip,” Moore said. “My studio went to Mexico for a week and that was a really good bonding experience for everyone and just spending a lot of time together looking at architecture.”
For the rest of the school year they will be working on finalizing these designs for review at the end of the school year.