The year is 2010, you are sitting on the couch watching Disney Channel and looking for something to pique your curiosity. Sick of the same characters, villains and plots, you look for something out of the ordinary, something you can relate to. Then you hear it, the theme song to one of your favorite shows. It discusses a topic that everyone else is too afraid to broach: “the annual problem of our generation.”
So the annual problem of our generation might have changed a bit since 2010, but it is important, perhaps even necessary, to look back and remember the show that touched on the biggest issue of our childhood. That is, finding a good way to spend the 104 days of summer vacation. What better way to remember this iconic show than by looking at 10 songs from the soundtrack of Phineas and Ferb?
10. “Ready for the Bettys”
Starting off the list is “Ready for the Bettys.” Although this particular tune may not be an obvious choice, the beat and energy of the song earn it a place on the list. The song aired on an episode where Candace and her best friend, Stacy, are excited to see The Bettys in concert. The two run into the band and join them on the tour bus heading to their show. Although stardom is not what the girls expected, they joined the band onstage to sing this rambunctious tune. The song captured the adventure of being a teenager and getting ready to go out. Despite most of the show catering to an elementary audience, this song seemed to be dedicated to the older siblings who were ready to enjoy their newfound freedoms.
9. “I’m Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun”
This classic 80s throwback simply had to be included, as it pays tribute to all the parents watching the show with their children. This song especially hits home to the mothers, as it is sung by none other than Linda, Phineas’ and Candace’s mother. Inspired by Cyndi Lauper, the song reminisces Linda’s days as a pop star. In the show, the song is used to bring mothers and daughters closer as they find out they share similar interests. Compelling everyone listening to get up and dance, the song is ultimately meant to inspire fun.
8. “Fabulous”
What better way to connect with a show than by singing along to a song where the lyrics are “I’m fabulous?” This track appeared in an episode where Phineas and Ferb planned the reunion of their parents’ favorite band for their anniversary. The boys fed the bassist’s ego to convince him to rejoin the band. Lyrics such as “you’re the one, yes, you’re the star,” ensure that the bassist’s ego is inflated enough for him to agree to play. Regardless of the reasoning behind the song, the track is an absolute bop and may be stuck in your head for days.
7. “Ain’t Got Rhythm”
Despite the title of it, this song does, in fact, have rhythm. This smooth, yet raspy tune leaves the audience no choice but to bob their heads along. Spawning from the same episode as “Fabulous,” “Ain’t Got Rhythm” forces people to snap, clap and slap anything in reach to add to the strong rhythm. The drummer of the famous band Love Handle is convinced that he no longer has rhythm and, therefore, cannot rejoin the band. However, the now librarian proves to himself that he has more than enough swag, as he uses books, stamps, rulers and anything he can get his hands on to create this masterful song. It is safe to say that he’s “got rhythm to spare.”
6. “A-G-L-E-T”
Never one to miss implementing a life lesson, the show includes a song to teach its viewers about the most trivial things. Introducing the aglet: the plastic tip at the end of a shoelace. Through a catchy song, Phineas and all his friends taught the world about this invention. Talk about influence.
5. “E.V.I.L. Boys”
Any older sibling has likely experienced the unfathomable annoyance known as the younger sibling. They always seem to find a way to be insufferable. Candace is quite familiar with this feeling and this song proves it. Always trying to tattle on her brothers, Candace tells her mom that Phineas and Ferb are evil. Now, this song was not performed by the usual Candace, since she experienced an allergic reaction to parsnips in the episode. Rather, the audience was greeted with the rough and raspy voice of the new Candace, making a hard rock song. The world is forever grateful.
4. “Theme Song”
There could not be a Phineas and Ferb soundtrack analysis without the theme song. This particular theme song is perhaps one of the most universally known, due to its catchy tune and fast pace. Like any other theme song, it introduces the show’s main premise and highlights the best moments from different episodes. It is a truly iconic number that most Gen Zs could recite, simply after hearing “There’s 104 days of summer vacation.”
3. “S.I.M.P. (Squirrels in My Pants)”
Before “simp” was used to describe a person willing to do anything for someone they like, it stood for “Squirrels in My Pants.” Candace did it again! She brought viewers a certified banger with this alternative hip-hop piece. Although no one — or very, very few — can relate to having squirrels in their pants, Candace made everyone want to sing along and dance just like she did, hopefully without the fury friends.
2. “Busted”
Candace and Vanessa. That is it, that is the song. This duo sparked a revolution in all older sisters and teenagers. This was the anthem for all girls who needed to bust someone. Bold, striking and awe-inspiring, this song elevated the entire Phineas and Ferb franchise. The two young girls could not be any more different, and yet they have a common goal: to bust the boys in their life and make their mothers see the truth. Words do not do this song justice. It is just Candace, Vanessa and a whole lot of girlboss.
1. “Gitchee Gitchee Goo”
This number stands for everything that the show is: happy, joyous, celebratory and, above all, welcoming of young minds and brilliant ideas. This song is, at heart, a love song, expressing gratitude to friends and family. It is a song of few words, but has one important message: “gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you.”