‘Order of Omega’ fosters academic excellence on campus

Cal Poly’s Greek honors society, Order of Omega, has started recruitment for the 2023 class. Order of Omega joins together members of all Greek life fraternity and sorority chapters at Cal Poly and works to build leadership, scholarship, and service among its members.
Caroline Roistacher, a junior journalism major and vice president of events and Admin for Order of Omega, joined her sophomore year for the experience she gets through the group.
“One really great experience I got through Order of Omega is getting help on my resume,” Roistacher said.
Kayla Brandes, a junior entertainment and industry management major and vice president of internal relations for Order of Omega is glad she applied because it has given her many opportunities to bond with chapters other than her own, with the shared interest of academics as a member of Greek life at Cal Poly.
“I love being a part of Order of Omega because I just get to go to meetings. Its really low maintenance for high reward and I get to be with some of my closest friends and we all just lift eachother up professionally,” Brandes said. “The recruitment process is actually pretty easy, all you have to do is fill out the application and see if you are eligible.”
Applications are due February 12. For more information follow the Order of Omega Instagram page @CPOrderOfOmega.