What’s happening: February 4 – February 10

Fri. Feb 5
3 Doors Down: “The Better Life” 20th Anniversary Live Stream
COVID is not stopping 3 Doors Down from celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album. The band is working with Bandsintown to ensure that they can livestream an event that would have otherwise occurred in person, so that loyal fans can celebrate safely from the comfort of their homes.
The band is charging $20 for fans to view the February 5th livestream and $50 for a pass to also see their February 19th and March 5th events. What makes this concert more unique than the band’s past ones is that this will be the first time that they have ever played the entire album live.
Skate Your Heart Out (Honoring Black History Month)
Organized by a local community initiative called The SLORoll, this 7-9pm shindig promises to transform the SLO skate park into a celebratory homage to Black heroes past. Expect a refreshing, socially-distanced kickback, with slick musical compliment from DJ Brotha C on the turntables representing Connect The Coast.
Sat. Feb 6
SocietyX: Therapeutic Art Workshop
Brooklyn based artist Sarah Serrano-Esquilin hosts a free online class on how to balance your mind with art. This occurs every Saturday at 8am.
Sun. Feb 7
The Super Sunday Swap Meet is a weekly event hosted at the Sunset Drive-In in San Luis Obispo. Buyers and sellers are welcome, masks are required, and food vendors are open on site.
Valentine’s Heart Cookies – Free Workshop
Join Lorena from BAKE IT UP! from 1 PM to 2:30 PM to learn how to bake heart cookies just in time for Valentine’s Day! It is a simple recipe and an easy workshop to join.
Michelangelo’s Vatican & Sistine Chapel Virtual Tour with Licensed Guide
If you want to see the wonders of the world without leaving the comfort of your home check out this virtual experience. The tour is $15 dollars and goes towards supporting the tour guides and staff of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica.
Mon. Feb 8
Los Osos and Baywood Park Farmers Market
This is a reoccurring farmers market every Monday from 2pm-6pm at Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce.
It is absolutely necessary to prioritize our personal wellness during these times. Dan Petrie, a San Francisco-based certified mindfulness facilitator is hosting a weekly class designed to help attendees mitigate stress and anxiety, improve sleep, increase empathy and compassion and promote general well-being. Suggested donation is $10-$20 but nobody will be denied this class if they are unable to donate.
Virtual Dance Lesson LIVE on Zoom
Join this lesson hosted by Black Diamond Ballroom Dance Company if you want to get your body moving and grooving! First timers get a free lesson so start practicing now.